Payroll Tax Cut Extended!
In the waning days of 2011, Congress passed, and the President signed, a bill to extend the 2 percentage point payroll tax cut – through February.
Congressional fights over this very temporary cut are likely to heat up quickly as the new February 29 deadline fast approaches.
But, as a result of the 2011 payroll tax cut (and the ongoing temporary cut) the Social Security Trust Fund can no longer cover its benefit payments from net payroll tax contributions.
From a Washington Post Article:
For the first time in the program's history, tens of billions of dollars from the government's general pool of revenue are being funneled to the Social Security trust fund to make up for the revenue lost to the tax cut. Roughly $110 billion will be automatically shifted from the Treasury to the trust fund to cover this year's cut, according to the Social Security Board of Trustees. An additional $19 billion, it is estimated, will be necessary to pay for the two-month extension.
Therefore, America is now at a point where payroll tax contributions to the trust fund are no longer sufficient to cover benefit payments, and the deficiency has to be made up by the general fund. This change makes Social Security's troubling numbers even more dire.